Some of the Old Spark

When I went to bed last night, Rascal was lying on the foot of the bed. He laid there for a couple of hours. Eventually, he left the bed and spent the rest of the night in the pet carrier. I got up once and he seemed fine. This morning, after I woke up and before I got out of bed, I heard something fall in the bathroom. When I checked, I saw that Rascal was trying to lick the food out of a baby food jar. I had given him a jar before we went to bed. During the night, he had eaten it all and he was looking for some more. So, I went and got him another jar. This is going to be expensive at $0.80 a jar. At least he’s eating. He didn’t eat any more of the Science Diet K/D food. I guess he decided as long as he can get expensive baby food, why mess with the other stuff! 🙂

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